Posted in Exercise, Indoor Garden

Trompe l’oeil – Mirrors to give the illusion of more plants – My Indoor Garden In The Making…

Fuchsias As Houseplants:

Yeesss! I can bring my fuchsias in doors. I love fuchsias, they are one of my favourite flowers. They need to be placed in a bright sunny area, but not direct sun light & kept moist, not soggy. I am going to grow lots of them in hanging planters in my kitchen, which has dual facing south & east windows as well as 2 sky lights…Apparently fuchsias absorb the moisture…

I got started on creating my indoor garden. I am clearing the living room ready to paint. I want to get the paint which reflects light, making the room up to 50% brighter. Then I am going to add mirrors in strategic places to bounce light around the room. I will use LED spot lights in dark areas. Adding mirrors will also double the plants…

I want to place mirrors to see the reflection of plants rather then the reflection of my self. I like the idea of the gate looking like it is going through to a garden. I suppose it would look silly have a gate in your living room, lol…

I love trompe l’oeil as well…

I want to add depth to my indoor garden; the illusion of being in a bigger garden, as if the garden is made up of rooms & I could step through into another part of my huge garden…

Posted in Food List, Low Carb - High Protein, Motivation., Pep Talk, Weight loss journey

Day Thirty Two – Little Changes Add Up To Big Results – Eventually…

I have had a few days of eating sugary foods, but not lots of sugary food or high sugar fizzy drinks. I’m waiting for the evening to do exercise. Tonight I am having pizza. Aptly named ‘fat pizza’…

…but…This is a life style change, not a diet. I reached the goal to be under 15st. I am on my way to reaching the goal to be under 40 inches. I believe the key to successfully reaching my ultimate long term goal is to do it slowly but surely, as much as I want to speed things up & get there fast, I’m more likely to never get there…

If I drop 0.5″ off my waist/tummy each week, through exercise, mainly gardening. It will take me 12 weeks to drop the 6 inches I want to drop before I play again {sub me} That should be 12 weeks to drop the 6 inches I am going to drop before I play again…

Pizza, then gardening. It doesn’t get dark until gone 21pm. I want to get lots done in my garden today. That is I am going to. The exercise will burn the carbs as energy, boost my metabolism, which will carry on even at rest…

Sometimes I feel like I am not doing enough…Then I realise that that I am doing a lot, I am doing enough to reach my long term goals. Persistence. Patience. Change gets results….

Posted in Detour On Weight Loss Journey, Emotional Eating, Exercise, Fitness Tracker, Motivation., Opinion, Pep Talk

Day Twenty Four – Here We Go Again…

Yesterday was a pretty mediocre day {Sighs} I ate after 23pm {GASP!} I never reached my 5k steps, but I done gardening; weeding & planting up seedlings. So yeah I done the equivalent in exercise, if not more, it takes some effort to weed whilst bending & squatting. I had a splitting head ache & tooth ache, so I felt pretty ‘Ugh!’…

Anyway…Today is a whole new day, a fresh new day to eat more healthy & reach my 5k step target, as well as finish planting up seedlings. Soooo! many seedlings; lots of lovely free plants, but its June 2nd & my plants are still tiny & far from blooming, then again with this sun & the rain we have coming, everything should take off in double quick time…


Still nothing from Fetlife. Shows you how much things have changed. It used to be so much easier to find a Dom, when I started out in the scene 12 years ago. I was inundated by messages, from the moment I appeared as a newbie. I think all the women moaning & complaining about the harassment from the cold callers has worked. Then it was receive 60+ messages, sift through all 60+…maaaaybe carry on with one or two, but then come out with nothing, because blokes tend to like instant ‘Meet?…No?’ Gone!

Actually getting to know a woman appears to be beyond them, its like…If they walked up to a woman in a pub & said ‘I want to spank you’ & she reacted ‘Feck off perv’ so he goes around the whole pub, until some desperate woman agrees to risk her safety on some Jerk, she knows nothing about…Well. It seems they finally got it…

Which means trying to find a new Dom on line, is POINTLESS!!! I need to go to a party, preferably with my husband, otherwise a woman on her own ‘Domless’ can pretty much be treated like ‘Just an arse’ & I don’t mean ‘arsehole’ as in not a very nice person…

I’m waffling! As in waffling on. Not my name is waffling, lol…

I found a new site, which has got ad’s from Dom guy’s…but…So impersonal & it is the same old same old attitude that we want to meet a complete stranger for a casual ‘attitude adjusting, punishment’ for…say…not losing X lb’s…Or we got moody when we was menstruating. Or we got pee’d off at some wanna be Master, or we don’t like creepy blokes, or we feel utter despair that the perv’s have taken over the scene & we can’t actually meet a real Dom…


I have literally been looking at how to spank myself & I might as well go into fantasy ‘write stories’ for myself land…If I went to a party would it feel the same way? When talking to my friend, who I used to go to parties with, I was remembering bad experiences. I said ‘I am talking myself out of it’…

I think I do need to remember…but I do need to find a way to get my fix. My husband is not into it. It does nothing for him. I can feel it does nothing for him, so it reduces it to just…well…nothingness, boringness…It is a lot about feeling…I don’t think blokes get this. They’re all ‘Women are bitchy, I can teach her a lesson, take her down a peg or two’…To them it is all about punishing, mentoring, discipline, demeaning, belittling, putting the over emotional bitch in her place…

Right. I have talked myself back out of it…I am going to start writing stories & create what I am looking for. When I was with my ‘then’ Dom. I had a fantasy ‘melodrama’ going on in my head, it helped me sleep. I would message him & tell him ‘you gave me a virtual spanking last night’…he liked that…Apparently I was ‘The one’…but he only realised that after I finished with him, because I got pee’d off with the grief his fwends gave me…Such is life…No wonder so many border line abusers exist in the scene, because the women are providing the proof that they are right…Jeeze!

I remember meeting this man at a party. We got on, we had a good conversation, he never pushed himself on me, or just talked to me, to get me, or expected to play with me, because HE! used his ‘precious hunting bottom’s’ time to make small talk…I remember when I sat near him he felt ‘Freeeezing!’ cold. As in I was cold & I’m not a cold person, I’m usually having a hot flush…Anyway it turns out he is a widow. I said to my friend ‘I think his wife was there with him’…He was soooo! Brrrrr!!!

Anyway…years later he contacts me, we get on, we exchange messages, he suggests we arrange to meet in 7 months time, so basically we get to know each other {Most **nkers don’t give a woman 7 minutes, unless it is to talk dirty}…Then it went down hill from that moment on & he turned into a control freak bloke, who wanted to talk down to me, patronise me, be a condescending d**kwad…It was naughty girl this, young lady that, you have earned a spanking, you’re trying to earn a spanking…’Does your husband know you are talking to men……..’ He lost me from the moment he started the cliché ‘Master!’ crap!

My marriage is none of his business, so I ignored him, I was not about to discuss my marriage with him. I was trying {Very trying} to get across to him, that I am not looking for someone to train me, control me…Talk about ignore everything I said & use it to patronise me…In the end I gave up trying to get through to him, that I am not looking for a on line narcissist to virtually abuse me…Real life still applies…Talk to me as an equal, as a friend, treat me with respect. Don’t patronise me, matey…

This is what I am up against…

  1. Strict discipline in Cambridge or will travel

    I offer strick punishment for naughty boys or girls. You will find the application of my school cane applied across your bottom will have a wonderful effect on poor behaviour. Although I enjoy applying the cane hard across deserving bottoms I can tailor sessions for those hot able to take it. I expect a fee for my services.
    Hope to meet you soon.
    Mr Morgan

Wow! How can I resist…& pay for the abuse…How to destroy your self confidence in a few hours. Meet a ‘strick’ Mr Morgan type…I despair! {Shudders!}

I’m aware that I am fussy…but…I have been through the narcissist emotional abuse, when I first joined the scene. My first ever Dom. He set out to screw me up. It was a game to him…’Karma!’ got him…

I seem to have evolved from blogging about my ‘Healthy eating’ weight loss journey, to moaning & groaning about the scene I was in…There is only so much you can say about healthy eating & weight loss. Personally I feel my recent GAIN! lots of weight, is since going through crap in the scene & finishing with my ‘then’ Dom of 7+ years. The thing is I deleted my private blog, which was where my negative thoughts went to be aired, dealt with, then leave it there. I think I need another ‘negative crappy thoughts’ blog…

Is it worth thinking about…Or blogging about…Hmmmm!


Posted in Motivation., Paul Mckenna I Can Make You Thin., Pep Talk, Self hypnosis, Weight loss journey

Day Twenty One – End Of Week Three – Self Hypnosis – Four Golden Rules ‘I can make you thin’…

“Yaaay!” A successful diet day twenty. It is the dreaded week three weigh day tomorrow. As usual I am dreading it. Though I have been eating a lot less, a lot healthier & doing more exercise. I will weigh & measure myself tomorrow, with out putting any high expectations on myself…

Stay the same ‘happy I never gained’…Lose 0.25 lb ‘happy I am going in the right direction’. Any loss will be fantastically, fabulously, amazing. There will be NO! disappointment, noooo! feeling disheartened. NO! I know I am doing the right thing for my health & fitness. I trust my body to eventually balance itself & catch up. I am basically maintaining my ideal weight/size in advance…

Mum, 37, sheds five stone thanks to hypnosis app: ‘I never dreamed it would be so easy’

Really? I need to read this article…

Personally I think it come down to the power of her own mind. She really wanted to drop the weight & she believed the hypnosis was helping her. It probably took away the self doubt, which can lead to self sabotage…

“I would recommend Easy Loss to anyone – but I think you need to really want to do it. If you have that goal and really want it to work, then it will…”

I do listen to self hypnosis. I also follow the Paul McKenna ‘I can make you thin’ 4 golden rules. I eat when I am hungry, but use intermittent fasting as a safety net. By the time 13pm is here, I am truly hungry, but not famished…I am finding that I no longer feel the need to eat after 20pm. Eventually I will change my intermittent fasting times to 18:6…At the moment I am 14:10, but I don’t always want to eat after 20pm…

I feel in control of my eating. I am taking full responsibility for what goes in my mouth. I do not need to stuff my face all day long, into the early hours. Last night {Well this morning} I went to bed at 4am, feeling ‘Ugh!’…I had a really dry throat, even though I drank a glass of water, my stomach hurt & I felt nauseous…but I think it was more being over tired then actual hunger. Just emotional ‘Change the way I feel’ hunger. I did not give into it, I went to bed & eventually fell asleep {Groans!} I need to sort my sleeping out, but I have had this since I was born, all through my childhood, basically forever…

The second golden ‘I can make you thin’ rule, is to eat what you want to eat, not what you think you should eat. In other words listen to your body, when you listen to your body & trust it will make healthy choices. It is quite liberating. Yesterday I went to buy my daily sugar treat, but I didn’t fancy it, I fancied soup with bread. Thai carrot soup. It was scrumptious…& healthier. The second golden rule was a sticking point for me in the past. After all ‘Of course I want sweets, cake, chocolate, biscuits, takeaway, etc…’ Not anymore…

I want to be healthy, slim, fit, feel more attractive; a lot more then I want to eat sugar junk all day & have take away instead of a healthy home cooked meal from scratch..I realised how crappy the takeaway food was anyway. You cant beat home made chips, using fry light. I don’t see how people can think the fried cardboard & salty, greasy tasteless food, which cost LOTS! of money can be better. Mind you gourmet burgers…Yum! That reminds me. Minted lamb burgers. I can make my own…

Maaaybe it was the self hypnosis which changed my mind ‘For the better’ about food. Its like someone flipped a switch inside me & I saw the light, in the light was lots of healthy, tasty, satisfying food. Constantly eating sugar, so my blood sugar level spiked high, then dropped low, was keeping me fat. My body needed to produce insulin all the time, to deal with the sugar. Of course it stored the sugar as fat…

The third rule, eating slowly & consciously. I know of course you’ll conscious…but are you? When you are mindlessly speed eating, whilst watching tele. I have slowed my eating right down. I do chew my food right down before swallowing…but…The tele is on in the evening. I still concentrate on my food though. Especially when I can savour every mouthful & not just taste greasy, salty nothingness, which is processed food. It opens your taste buds as well as your mind…

The fourth rule. Which is pretty much ‘Duh! Common sense’…Has not always been ‘common sense’…especially with the mindless eating…Rule # 4 ‘STOP!’ eating when you feel full. Satisfied full. Not bloated. stuffed, feel nauseous full. Just that first twinge of fullness. I can leave food on my plate. My parents aren’t there to lecture me & make me stay at the table until I have cleared the plate…I have never forced my kids to clear their plate, or to eat food they don’t like…I no longer have a bloated feeling after eating. When I look down, now I see my boobs, not my stomach protruding like I am 9 months pregnant with tripplets…

Oops! Its 14 minutes into my eating time. I thought I felt hungry. Actual hunger. Hunger to nourish my body. No mindless stuffing. I am not a dustbin. I don’t need a constant supply of sugar to get me through the day…

Lunch time…

Posted in Exercise, Fitness Tracker, Food List, Motivation., Uncategorized

Day Twenty – Heart Rate Zone Light To Moderate…

“Woooo!!!” Another successful diet day & it was red wine Sunday. After drinking wine, I just ate my dinner & went to bed. Earlier I was full up from lunch, so I just had a banana. I’m glad I left my dinner to sit there & marinate, because the cauliflower rice was gritty & the lamb chewy. When I re heated it, the cauliflower rice was soft & the lamb more melt in the mouth…

Yesterday was my first day with my new fitness tracker. I set my target at 5k steps. Which meant I done about 45 minutes walking yesterday. I’m a bit concerned about my heart rate, on the heart rate monitor. I’m not expecting it to be 100% accurate, but. I feel it is quite high. Resting is 80-90…I’m sitting here now it is around 75…

I want to learn more about this. I know your pulse rate can go up, if your body is reacting to a certain food. I also know there is such a thing as a ‘burn zone’ whateverthatis…


This chart makes more sense. So when I was walking yesterday, walking up hill, carrying shopping, I was doing moderate exercise. When I went for a 15 minute walk to reach my 5k step target, I was doing light exercise…

I’ll stick in the moderate zone for now, I don’t want to over do it, but I will aim to reach the vigorous zone next week. It has only been three weeks since I started out on my weight loss journey. It feels more like three months. I have come a long way…

I’m going shopping now…

Posted in Exercise, Fitness Tracker

Fitness Tracker Mpow Smart – Starting With A 5000 Step Target – Aiming For An Average Of 10,000 Steps Each Day…

I’m just recharging my…

Fitness Tracker, Mpow Smart Bracelet Activity Tracker Heart Rate Monitor Fitness Health Smartwatch Wristband Bluetooth Pedometer with Sleep Monitor/ Step Tracker/ Calorie Counter for Android and iOS smartphones

I got my magnify glass to read the instructions…

First I have to down load the very fit app…I’ll let my phone recharge first…

I am going to set my 10k step target & ensure I start doing at least 10k steps each day, I can use my mini trampoline to get steps in doors. I am interested to see my heart rate. Is there a ‘burn zone’ ? If there is, what is it? Obviously I am a over weight 48 yo unfit woman…

I like the fact you can see the heart rate, steps, distance, calories on the screen, instead of having to wait to see it on the app/phone…

I think its all set up. I can’t imagine it being that accurate. My heart rate seems to be around 70-80 bpm. I’m not sure if that is good or not. My resting heart rate is 62. I put my target steps at 5000 steps, I don’t want to over do it. If I find it easy to do 5k steps each day, I will increase to push myself more…

All I need to do now is set the correct time & date…Ohh! No…The time & date set itself…


Posted in Exercise, Motivation., Weight loss journey

Day Nineteen – A Rambling Sub Rant – Looking To The Future Slim Healthy Fit Me…

“Woooo!!!” Another successful diet day, on my weight loss journey. I am going strong. I am stepping it out along the fast yet scenic route, on my weight loss journey. Tonight is red wine Sunday. I need to be aware of the alcohol induced munches. I am going to get some slimmer soup, my favourite tai chicken lemon, cuppa soup…

It is not that healthy, basically just flavour,  but it is tasty & filling, also hydrating, I feel more thirsty then hungry, when I have been drinking red wine, I usually drink water in between. That way I don’t get a hang over the next morning…

Yesterday I was thinking again about my sub life. I am a sub. I am not a Domme, or even a switch. I am a spankee. I love it. I get lots of pleasure from it. It is sexual, sensual, erotic for me. Very much mutual ‘Adult!’ fun. I am sick & tired of it being so difficult to find a decent Dom & not have him want to be in the ‘Clique’…I can’t stand cliquey people…& I can’t be dealing with some wanna be ‘Mentor’…or some arrogant, bordering on abusive ‘Disciplinarian’…This is what I am up against. I could do some serious kissing up to the clique bit***’s…but I would feel like a fake, smarmy, two faced, insincere bit**, so no kissing up to fit in, especially as the decent Dom’s are very few & far between…

Right! sub in despair rant, is over…for now…

Ohh! One more thing…I have got a new Fetlife account. My other one got hacked, probably by some weirdo I put straight on a few things…It is having a identity crisis at the moment. I can start over. I could start an intense search for my idea, of my ideal Dom…Hmmm! I might just do that…but…I’m not meeting anyone until I know enough about them, to be certain they are not a candidate for criminal minds…Also I am getting back to where I was, before I offended the b**** who was all over my Dom, wanting him for herself & giving me grief…Jeeze! Share, luv. I am. I don’t own him. I could care less that he play’s with other women…

Mind you. I don’t think it helped, that when they was gushing all over him. Wanting to make him ‘Their!’ Dom…He would say ‘You should thank K {aka me} for giving me permission’…Noooo! No wonder I got so much grief from the women…Jeeze! Mate! Not a good idea. He thought he was being loyal to me, when he was setting me up to be hated…

Another one of his dumb arse man things, he would say to a overly gushy sub woman, who WANTED! him…{The scene is very enhanced, hence the cap’s}…He would say ‘If K {aka me} finishes with me, I will make you my sub’…Ohh! Myyyy! frigging! GOSH!…WTF! Of course they hated me…That & I was not a fake, smarmy, hugger & kisser. I was not a ‘Lovely fwend’ type. I was ‘apparently’ the control freak b**** keeping one of the decent Dom’s all to myself. I wasn’t, but there you go…

I am married. My husband knows & accepts. He is married. His wife was supposedly unaware, but I suspect she knew. He told her that I was a virtual online sub…Ummm!

The scene is a very ‘Enhanced!’ for want of a better word…Ummm! strange place. I used to think it was great. Everyone could be themselves. Everyone was accepted. Then bit**es happened. Jealousy happened. A controlling, bullying minority happened. I left the scene after 9 years of going to parties. Its sad that a few emotionally screwed up control freaks, have to ruin it for everyone else & my dumb arse Dom see’s those few as his friends. Hence me no longer being with him. I did not need the crap him & his fwends brought with them…& the ‘If I finish with him…’ It was just an excuse, he used me as an excuse. So I got the grief & he got all the fun. Did the other Dom’s I played with, give him grief…Hell no. They were more into mutual ‘Adult!’ fun. They were respectful to my Dom…

Definitely nuff said…

“Yaaaay!” My new fitness tracker has arrived. I am going to get more coffee & set it up…I am going to start my walking training. To do a long charity walk next year…

Posted in Exercise, Motivation., Weight loss journey

Day Eighteen – Fitness Tracker Mpow Smart Bracelet – Walking Myself Fit Healthy & Slim…

Yeesss!!! A successful day seventeen. I am doing so well. Last night & the night before, I managed to stop eating before 20pm. So I have more or less done 2 lots 17 hour fasts. I am also keeping up the walking each day, going shopping, carrying shopping home, so doing strength training…

I woke up feeling sore across my tummy, above my belly button. My husband reckons it is sore muscles from the walking & carrying shopping. Well my core muscles would be engaged when I am balancing myself to carry heavy shopping bags, so it makes sense…

I am glad that I am learning new habits when it comes to the evening. I don’t need to eat that late at night. I also went to bed around midnight, instead of my usual 2-3-4am…

Yesterday I ordered a pedometer/heart monitor watch wossy. It does what fitbit does, but is a fraction of the price. I am going to start doing 10k steps each day & tracking my calories, so I have more out, then in, but I am not going on a low calorie diet. I would rather exercise more, then eat a semi starvation diet, which is not good for my body…

Dieting on 1500-calories each day, done my body no good. I regained all the 3st weight loss, plus an extra 2 stone. I lost the excess 2 stone through giving up dieting, but now I want to speed things up to reach my first target weight off 11st, then go on to 9st & my recommended weight 8st, if I don’t look too haggard…

My fitness tracker, which should be here soon. Then I can get started on my walking. Eventually I want to go hiking. Walking burns around 6-7 calories per minute. So it is worth the effort. Obviously as I lose weight, I will burn less calories per minute…

Posted in Exercise

I need a walking buddie, not a social butterfly, or personal trainer…

27 minutes until I break my 17 hour fast. So I thought I would blog. I have been doing toning exercises randomly all morning. Squat’s here, waist twist there. Waiting for my expresso coffee machine to fill the cup ‘calanetic’s’…

If 5 lbs of muscle burns 250-calories & 5 lbs of fat burns 20-calories. I am going to build muscle. I don’t mean body builder muscle. I’m hoping that if get myself to the fitness, pain free level I was before the pain set in, I will drop the inches to where I was…

I was walking 2.5 – 3 hours each day. I no longer have a school run & I live closer to my friend, so it takes me 5 minutes to walk to her, instead of 30 minutes. Walking around here is boring. I used to live 2 minutes from the front. The river Thames estuary front, that is. I was also close to the cliff gardens & on the way to Old Leigh & the steep church hill…

Almost eating time. I am going to start walking more. I used to enjoy my long walks with my dog, Melody. It doesn’t help that my husband has gone into over protective mode & wants to walk with me, so it is more of a chore walk, then a pleasurable walk. I enjoy the peaceful me & my dog time…

I am getting fitter, so it won’t be long before I’m back into walking, but this time I want to hike. Hiking really burns the calories, especially walking over rough terrain & climbing up & down hills. I want to take advantage of all the walks we have got around us. I enjoy walking. It is a chore to my husband, so I feel the vibes…

I need a walking buddy…Someone who enjoys walking as much as I do & is not into walking just to socialise. Chatting is nice. Wanting to make lots of ‘lovely’ friends…No thanks…I want to walk, look at the scenery, get fitter & fitter, drop the excess fat, preferably inches rather then lb’s, though I need to drop both at the moment. Too much strain on my joints…

I would walk with my skinny friend…but she is soooo! Fecking patronising…I don’t need a personal trainer, luv. I probably know as much about fitness, if not more then you, because I was not born FAT! I was a active person, I had a active job & active hobbies…Sheesh!

I can eat in 2 minutes…

Nuff said for now…

Posted in Exercise, Food List, Motivation., Pep Talk, Weight loss journey

Day Seventeen – Doting Nana – Thinking Of Going Cave Nana Style…

“Yaaay!” A successful day sixteen. Which more then made up for the minor mishap on day fifteen. I stopped eating & drinking calories, carb’s, fat, etc…after 20pm. Mind you I did not enjoy my dinner. I had onion, bacon, cheese omelette & home made chips, oven cooked with fry light. It just didn’t fill me with edible joy…

We borrowed our grand daughter to take shopping with us & walked a bit extra over the park. I wanted to get some pond weed to put in my mini patio pond, but it was too far from the edge, I got down on a rock, but had visions of me face planting in the pond, so decided to get back up. Hubby was like ‘There too many people around’…

It was lovely taking our grand daughter out. I was the doting Nana; kept watching her sleep, all relaxed, pink sun hat on…she is so adorable, I love her with all my heart, just like I loved my children. I get the adoring, doting on your grand children, but not the… ‘They’re better then your children’…the ‘Your children are the rainbow, but your grand children are the pot of gold’…”Eh?”…

Yes its great I can give her cuddles, play with her, then hand her back, all of the pleasure, none of the stress. I love seeing my daughter with her, I never realised I could feel anymore love then when I see my daughter with her daughter, I’m brimming with pride. Seeing my other kids with their niece, gives me a wonderful feeling as well…

Anyway…Doting Nana is going to stop swooning over her precious little grand daughter, until the next time…

When she starts walking, I will be there to take her for walks in the woods, run around with a ball, play on the beach. I am going to be a active part of her life. Not Nana on the settee, with the lap top which plays her favourite Dave & Ava nursery rhythm’s. I don’t have to be super flexi Nana, I can play with her when sitting, but I want to take her for walks…

I am trying my hardest to drop old habits & gain new habits. So I am getting myself into a routine. Which is intermittent fasting 13pm {Earliest} to 23pm {Latest} 14:10, but I’m flexible. Like last night I stopped eating by 20pm, so 17 hours fasting, giving my digestive system a rest, allowing my body to focus its energy on repair, rather then digesting food…

Intermittent fasting releases the growth hormone…

What is human growth hormone?

The body naturally produces growth hormone (HGH or simply GH) in the pituitary gland, and, as its name implies, it is responsible for cell growth and regeneration. Increasing muscle mass and bone density are impossible without GH, but it also plays a major role in maintaining the health of all human tissue, including that of the brain and other vital organs. When secreted, GH remains active in the bloodstream for only a few minutes, but this is enough time for the liver to convert it into growth factors, the most crucial of which is insulin-like growth factor-1, or IGF-1, which boasts a host of anabolic properties.

When I was continuously picking, my body was not able to release the growth hormone quite so easily, if ever & my digestive system never got a rest. I doubt cavemen & women ate continuously, unless they grazed on berries, nuts, roots, plants, etc…They were hunter gatherers…

If I ever get cancer, I am not going to have any chemotherapy…I will start eating paleo. The paleo diet is the best diet to starve the cancer cells. No sugar. No grains. No dairy. After last night when my stomach started hurting & bloated. I wonder ‘Have I got cancer?’…Is it worth going to the doctor’s? Or should I make the effort to start following the paleo diet?…

I like meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, herb’s & spices…but no dairy, no grains, no potatoes, though some say you can eat potatoes…

My Mum had bowl cancer & liver cancer & cancer in her lymph glands…Should I wait? Or should I start eating a paleo diet???

Ummm! What about coffee & red wine. I’m sure as hell certain cavemen & women, never had coffee beans or thought of fermenting berries, lol…

I will continue…First I need coffee…