Posted in Creative writing, Life as a submissive/spankee, Motivation., Pep Talk

Just start writing…

I want focus all my ‘sub/spankee me’ attention, on writing fantasy ‘sub/spankee’ stories…but now I need to ‘Just write!’…I want to read all my kindle spankee stories, to give me inspiration. Well more ‘give me confidence’…I can write as good as these spankee authors, if I put my mind to it…

It is easy to see others as more accomplished, more professional, more eloquent & see myself as an amateur. The kindle authors are amateurs too & they have managed to self publish a book on kindle…

It is my self confidence which is holding me back. So I’m an amateur. So a snobby grammar geek decided to point out my ‘Bad grammar’ in the story I wrote for him. He should know, he went to grammar school…Oo! Get him!…lol…

My Mum went to grammar school too & she learned how to read from the age of 3…My Mum taught me how to read & write, where school failed, because I was/am very quiet. I remember one teacher who did take the time to listen to me read…With other teachers, or parent volunteers, if I did not know a word, I would mumble over it & they would not ask me what I said. Which just goes to show, the teachers were not listening, lol…

Obviously that was way back 44+ years ago…I’m taking it things have changed…Then again I taught each of my children how to read & write, the school didn’t, though I’m sure they would take credit for it…

So this is me just writing. Practicing. Keeping it simple so as not to put myself off pursuing my published on kindle ‘fantasy sub/spankee story’ dreams…Some times when I read a perfectly grammatically correct story, or other writing, it is a tad dull. I was once given a story, which was apparently written for me, but…I had already read the same story, which I know had been written for someone else, only the name had been changed. I was quite hurt by that…Because it was my ‘then’ Dom/spanker who had sent me this impersonal story, which he had written for someone else…Soooo! Insensitive…

In my fantasy sub/spankee stories. The submissive will be treated with respect. She definitely won’t be treated like ‘Just a bottom’…I am going to get started on my characters as soon as I have finished blogging here…

Also…How do I write it? As myself? Me telling my fantasy story. Or as the story teller, describing my characters story? There is a name for that…The first person, second person, whatever person…I will look it up, because I don’t want to be hopping backwards & forwards, that will get too confusing & complicated…

I want to write what pops into my head ‘literally’…& see where it leads me…Though first I need characters, a plot, conflict, apparently my plot needs conflict so it does not flat line, whatever that means…

I will return…